Fleas continue to be a big problem in our area, but some flea products on the market are less effective than others and some have become less effective over time.

The most dangerous Tick for our pets is the Paralysis Tick. Fortunately it rarely is found on the Redcliffe Peninsula, but if you live, or you take your pet off the Peninsula, it is important to have a plan for preventing Tick Paralysis Disease.



A new product, just released.

A monthly chewable tablet that kills fleas and ticks.

We have had really positive reports already about this product.

You can give it monthly or just on the day before you go into tick country.

Swimming or bathing won’t decrease the efficacy.

Not for cats.


A spotton applied fortnightly for ticks. An alternative if you dog will not take the nexgard chew.

We think there are better products available for flea treatment.

Poisonous to cats.


A rinse concentrate applied once diluted over the skin and left on to dry.

The only tick product for cats.




A monthly chewable tablets for dogs and cats. Extremely effective against fleas. Occasionally makes pets vomit.


A monthly spotton for dogs and cats.


A monthly spotton.

We recommend this for fleas on cats, as it also treats some intestinal worms.


If you find a tick on your pet, it can be difficult to identify. There are a couple of ticks that can attach themselves to dogs and cats but only cause a local reaction, however the Paralysis Tick is very dangerous and can kill. The paralysis tick generally resides in bush and scrub areas, living on native marsupials including bandicoots.

If you have your dog or cat in a tick area, we recommend thorough daily searching of the skin. It is advised to first apply a fast knockdown insecticide(like a fly spray) to a cotton bud and apply to the tick and leave to die and start shrivelling before removing.Remove any ticks found with a tick hook(from vets and pet shops) or gently with tweezers, without squeezing the tick.

Only the female tick will attach, releasing toxin usually after 3 days, so if you searched every day, then you should get to the tick before serious illness occurs. It’s good to have a backup with a decent tick product though, in case you miss one. Ticks will attach anywhere on the body and in all creases and crevices.

If any signs of Tick Paralysis occur, your pet will need urgent veterinary attention. Signs are progressive, and can be fatal. They include: a change of voice, a grunt sound when breathing, wobbly legs that progress to the inability to stand or situp, and can be fatal.



Fleas emerge from a cocoon on the ground and jump onto our pets as a tiny brown immature flea. This flea will grow to a larger mature flea with a light brown coloured bottom.

The females feed on our pet’s blood and start laying eggs after 24 hours. They lay 40 eggs per day for about 3 months. That’s a lot of eggs.

Eggs fall to the ground and hatch, becoming a mobile grub that cocoons itself ready to emerge as an immature flea.

Eggs and cocoons can lay dormant waiting for the right conditions for up to a year, so just treating an infestation for a couple of months may be futile.

A full year of treatment may be necessary. Using a flea comb (like a nit comb) twice a week to look for evidence of fleas is recommended.

You might see fleas or just their droppings. These look like small black specks of dirt.



If you still see fleas but they are all small and dark, YES….. These fleas have just jumped on to your pet and will soon die.

There should not be large egg laying fleas present, and if so, you will need to do something else.

Once the fleas are eliminated and you are using a flea comb twice weekly to confirm that the fleas have gone, then you can stop treatment if you wish.

Some clients are more comfortable treating all year round and this is very effective.